Monday, April 20, 2009

yesterday morning went breakfast wif my friend sinyee at admirately for slice fish bee hoon..then after that accompany her go to amk shopping first because her work start only at 1 pm... at 1pm then i tk mrt go home...then i rest a while because i am feeling so tired, when i wake up, i look through my accounting book and try to understand a bit... it was better nw... nyte i help my mum to cook n tidy up my room.... At nyte my close friend msg me ask me to call her, then i call her back.. i hv a good chat with her, she is so sweet, send me a nice message... n the message was quite touching....

Today my OA teacher never come, so we do our own things... after that have business communicating then follow by break then accounting fundamentals... Hopefully will understand even better....

Overall quite a nice day in school..

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